Mimicking life on a microscale
14 million: the amount of deaths every year worldwide because of thrombosis-related heart attacks or strokes. To better understand and combat thrombosis, we need to gain more knowledge. Blood flow patterns and 3D geometry of blood vessels play a key role in the mechanism of thrombosis.

From the world of print to printing the world
In recent years, inkjet technology has established itself as the primary digital printing method for more and more applications. Yet we’ve only just begun to explore its full potential. Océ is pumping a large amount of resources into R&D, exploring new and exciting areas in which inkjet can have a major impact.

The ice age cometh, or not
Is Europe on the brink of a second ice age? In recent years, some have speculated that climate change may affect the Gulf Stream, a powerful oceanic current which transports heat from the tropics past the eastern shore of the USA and into the North Sea. Without it, many scientists believe, Western and Northern Europe would be much cooler.